News Archive

Publication of CCP 15.3

CONTENTS PrefaceBeyond the Doubleday MythDavid Jones In this IssueJennifer Liu and Jason M. Wirth Articles Pregnancy as a Cipher for Nietzsche’s Project of Self-Overcoming: The

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Philosophy and Poetry Città di Castello, July 8-26, 2024

The Collegium Phaenomenologicum convenes for its 46th annual session in Città diCastello, Italy, July 8-26,2024. Philosophy  and  Poetry The Collegium is intended for faculty members and advanced graduate and postdoctoral students in philosophy and related disciplines.

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Journal of Japanese Philosophy

The Journal of Japanese Philosophy is the oldest international peer-reviewed journal on Japanese philosophy (in existence for over ten years, published by SUNY Press), an

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Welcome to New Board Members!

We are incredibly pleased to welcome new members to our Editorial and Advisory Boards. Rein Raud of Tallinn University in Estonia joins our distinguished Advisory

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